Public Presentations are listed in the calendar below:

We are constantly presenting to communities, schools, farming groups and companies

Check out the calendar to see available dates and times.

Please contact us to arrange a presentation for your community.

Presentation Content:

Soil Ecology – Do you have living soil or just dirt?

Soil vs Dirt
Green cover vs Bare ground

Soil biology vs Fertiliser

Weed management vs Herbicides

Hydration vs Irrigation

Decisions vs Decisions

Scott Robinson started studying soil ecology in the early 1980’s during his apprenticeship as a turf greenkeeper. Throughout the next 40 years Scott has completed certificate courses in Permaculture, Nutrition Farming, Small Business Management, Soil Food Web and is a Holistic Management Professional Educator. All this has deepened his knowledge and understanding of the world beneath our feet and how it feeds us. Living soil can maintain stable weather patterns.
Scott uses this accumulated knowledge and continued research to help all people interested, reduce costs and improve their own health and wellbeing. All this while increasing the health of their land and when needed, increase farm profits.

We must restore the water cycle, where fertility starts!

Scott now delivers the “Soil Ecology Presentation” for Schools, TAFE students, Nurseries, Farmer groups, private companies and for government field days. In fact, any groups interested in managing the land with a complete tool kit of knowledge!

Contact Us for more details.

Please do not scan the QR Code!

All event times are displayed based on Australia/Brisbane timezone.