Learn Holistic Management and Heal Your Land
A fantastic free download book for you to improve the health of animals and soil.
Tools to Manage Ecosystem Processes
We customise our services to suit your needs at no extra cost to you! Contact us at your convenience to discuss this cost effective way to improve your life, your land and your wellbeing.
Holistic Management can increase your knowledge base in:
Understanding your Ecosystem
Environmental monitoring
Planned grazing
Testing decisions
Achievable goals
Identifying the weak link
Holistic means all the parts that make up the whole! This can mean the Scalable process of feeding ones self or a community in balance with the natural environment. Our core goal is to increase carbon in the soil by way of diversity in both fauna and flora, creating a self sustaining landscape. We can manage the land and offer enough food for the local fauna, while giving humans the chance to harvest what we need!
Holistic Land Use, uses a combination of the following principles that Scott and Haidee Robinson have spent a life time learning and implementing into their lives.
Soil Food Web:
Microscopic biological analysis of your soil and liquids.
On site evaluation to improve soil biology
Deliver balanced soil biology for better production and reduce weed & pest problems to near zero!
Holistic Land & Livestock Management:
Encompasses , Ecosystem management, planned grazing, financial planning, environmental monitoring, decision making and achieving goals.
Is a ecological design system emphasising patterns in the landscape, function and species assemblies.
Nutrition Farming:
Is ecological farming enhancing the relationships between organisms and their environment.
Keyline Farming:
Is a topographic based technique for maximising beneficial use of water storage and flow on individual properties.
Natural Sequence Farming:
Is to emulate the role of natural watercourses in an effort to reverse salinity, slow erosion and increase soil and water quality to enable native vegetation to regenerate and restore the Riparian zone.
‘If we’re not part of the solution we’re part of the problem’ – Bill Mollison.
Care of Earth – Build more soil to hold more carbon
Care of people – We are in this together
Fair share – Includes everyone
Build Wealth in Your Soil
We all need nutrient rich soil to keep plants, animals and humans healthy.
Why keep doing the same things the same way if they are not Holistic?
By building healthy soil, you are sequestering Carbon in your soil while increasing the diversity of necessary life and moisture retention. It is believed, that 1 square metre of healthy top soil can hold up to 17 litres of water!
Livestock grazing systems and Forestry management, fruit tree or vegetable production can be integrated to benefit from each other while building top soil.
“Building top soil is the key to the future of feeding people and reducing human impact on earth’s climate”
Soil is the one thing that can save your property from nutrient depletion, surface erosion and declining value. It is the only way you can hold the maximum amount of moisture plants need to survive dry times!
To learn more about how important it is, please take the time to watch these presentations on land regeneration by
Diversity is the key to healthy soil!
Diversity with plants, animals and the interactions between all living things in that environment is what can create a naturally regenerative landscape. Our role is to assist nature by way of how we manage livestock (planned grazing systems) – what we plant to feed ourselves and what we offer to the native animals! These are some of the parts that make up the whole!
Cattle can heal your land
We can guide you through all these principals and how using Livestock to mimic nature will improve your pastures and reduce fire risk, all while increasing the biodiversity on your property. If your “pasture” is a small suburban yard, imagine guinea pigs and Quail! You can get started in less than an hour to maximise your soil building potential. Regularly moving your animals away from pathogens (their poop!) increases the health of their immune system and decreases the need for medication. There are many natural alternatives that work to help keep pests and disease at controllable levels! Don’t scare off the white egrets if you have them. They love eating ticks!
Growing your own food can save up to $2,000 per person per year!
Chickens are forest dwelling flightless birds! If your property has been designed and planted with diversity as the leading principal, then you will be able to offer your chooks coverage under the trees and a little pasture after the cattle have moved on. They will help fertilise your fields, spread livestock manure to reduce flies to almost 0, and offer you an abundance of fresh tasty eggs every day. If you choose the right breed you can harvest them for meat after 12 to 18 months of laying to increase your poultry income or reduce your food costs.
Even if your on a tight budget, you can recycle just about anything into a mobile chook house.
Select a breed that are good for eggs, then cook well after 12 to 18 months!
Keeping chooks healthy without medication is as simple as putting 1ml of unpasteurised ACV(Apple Cider Vinegar) in their water per chook per day. Another cost effective nutrient boost is liquid Sea minerals+. Add 20ml per litre of water. We use a sealed container with water nipples for the chooks to access fresh water, which also prevents the local bird population from contaminating it. We also recommend adding 10 grams per kilo of feed per day of food grade DE (Diatomaceous Earth) into their feed. We also sprout a mix of seeds to help boost their inner health. (think wild bird blends!) Those seeds release enzymes, vitamins B and K which all help keep your chooks healthy! Also add a spoonful of powdered egg shell grit to their feed. This aids their digestive system to break down food in their gizzard and add calcium for continued strong egg shells.
DE has been shown to act as a natural de-wormer as it dehydrates parasites both internally and externally. At the very least DE adds a good dose of trace minerals to their diet which can’t be a bad thing on it’s own! Sprinkle some in the nesting box and spread some on the night perch. It all helps!
ACV helps regulate the bodies PH, boost the immune system and have an alkalising effect on the body. It can treat and prevent worms, lice and mites in your flock. The key to natural animal care is a little every day to maintain control.
Liquid Sea Minerals offers all the trace elements in balance for a healthy body, for all animals! They all drink water, every day!
Shredded dry lemon grass in the nesting box also helps reduce mites and fleas.
Create a Honey Enterprise
keep all your productive plants pollinated! we need bees to keep pollinating, so why not use the honey to add income.
Do you need more info or just some advice on any of these subjects? Contact us
Follow us on Instagram to keep up with our adventures and insights on all the properties we work with.
Want to learn holistic management? Our online course is coming soon.